Dessert Article Archive

Yum! Recognizes Top Suppliers

Yum! Brands and the Unified Foodservice Purchasing Co-op recently hosted their ninth annual STAR Awards gala to honor top suppliers to the system.

NexCen To Co-Brand with Freshëns

The companies have agreed to offer NexCen’s pretzel and cookie franchisees the opportunity to add Freshëns smoothies in a co-branded store.

Cinnabon Celebrates Nurses

The company, along with The DAISY Foundation, is offering nurses a free Cinnabon Classic Roll when they show their healthcare ID May 5-11, 2008.

Pinkberry Opens 50th Store

Just three years after the first Pinkberry took Los Angeles by storm, the company celebrates the grand opening of its 50th location at Fashion Island in Newport Beach, California.

The Sweet Side of Asian

With its golden sponge cake outside and creamy custard inside, Delimanjoo could be the love child of the all-American Twinkie and a French cream puff. The tiny (about 0.4 ounces each) snack cakes molded in the shape of miniature ears of corn are standard street and subway station fare in South Korea where they were […]